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Wellness Services

Love Your Best Life

In 2017, I was tired of being tired. I did not like the way I looked and felt uncomfortable in my own skin. By integrating healthy eating habits, working out, and plugging into an accountability group, not only am I down 20 pounds and 20 inches but I have confidence in myself and my abilities.

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Are you ready to make a change and live a healthier, happier, and more confident life?  One thing I have learned through my wellness journey is that the way we lead our lives comes from our minds. We literally have the ability to shift our mindset and turn a bad day upside down. Are you ready to shift your mindset towards a healthier you? If you are looking to get coached to help you shift your mindset and elevate your life, you are in the right spot! 

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Morning Routine

"Leg day today and it was awesome! I'm especially happy since I got my mom moving as well. She was watching me work out with the tv switched on and joined in. I'm glad I could motivate someone today!"
"After an almost 2 month hiatus from consistent workouts, I started my morning at 4:30 am with my Day 1. I was a little grumpy from not sleeping well last night, but I got up and got it done! Despite a rough night, I'm feeling great energy this Monday! Thank you Priya, for not letting me give up on myself."
"I feel amazing! I started this journey motivated to lose baby weight. Thanks to check ins from Priya and my accountability group, I stayed committed despite having to take a month off due to pneumonia. I did it at my pace, used modified moves, and still enjoyed balance by eating  my fav treats in moderation. I feel strong, energized and motivated  to take on the next challenge!"
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